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Future Education and Literacy for Designers.
Fuel4Design is a 3-year project jointly delivered by a consortium of leading design-educator-researchers from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Milano, University of the Arts London, and ELISAVA. Future Education and Literacy for Designers (FUEL4Design) aims at developing knowledge, resources and methods to help young designers designing for complex tomorrows. This is a matter of Design taking on a far more proactive role in working to anticipate these tomorrows through acts of situated making that understands use and users and Design as working prospectively to look ahead of the immediate or short term (Celi & Morrison, 2018). FUEL4Design supports the discipline of Design and its MA/PhD students and teachers in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to productively anticipate critical futures learning needs and change processes through sustained future making. The project is arranged around six interlinked Intellectual Outputs (IOs). For communication purposes these are referred to here as Modules.
Morrison, Andrew; Celi, Manuela & Cleriès, Laura. (2021 accepted). ‘Anticipatory design and futures literacies.’ In Proceedings of CUMULUS ROME 2020.
Celi, Manuela & Colombi, Chiara. (2019). ‘Design future literacy in the Anthropocene: A matter of awareness’. 3rd International Conference on Anticipation, 9-12 October 2019. Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO).