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ECO-Design Circular Knowledge.
ECODeCK - ECO-Design Circular Knowledge is a project developed within the extended partnership Made-in-Italy Circolare e Sostenibile (MICS- PE11) of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan that aims to to build a portfolio of eco-design-driven strategies by collecting, analysing and clustering design approaches, methods, and tools with the goal of framing a comprehensive vision on the potential of design for sustainable and circular transformation, to be enabled by specific capacity-building toolkits, tested through exemplary pilots.
Focusing on the two key sectors of MICS, fashion/textiles and furniture sectors, ECODeCK aims to: (1) building a comprehensive vision on design strategies for promoting a sustainable and circular future of made-in-italy; (2) experimenting with capacity-building projects and pilots to address the different levels of sustainable transformation. As Sterling (2019) discussed, these levels represent the responses to sustainable development adapted from the orders of learning. Indeed, multiple stakeholders might be in different stages of the transformation toward sustainability, from those looking for “ways to do things better” (conformed) to those willing to “do things better” (reformed) and those in the most advanced level, where they can “see things differently” (transformed). Such different organizational or individual levels of transformation underly different levels of competence and therefore require dedicated capacity-building strategies to foster advancement in the transition toward sustainability.
Beyond this aim, the ECODeCK project is also intended to be a transversal project of the MICS’s projects in Spoke 2, since they will develop new knowledge regarding eco-design-driven approaches, methods, and tools for capacity-building for a sustainable transition. From one side, ECODeCK will support the development of other projects by building a repository of existing relevant material in the eco-design and circularity fields through literature and contextual review. On the other hand, ECODeCK will be fed by the knowledge produced by the MICS projects in Spoke 2 as it will also collect and systematize their outputs.
ECODeCK is intended to be a circular project, able to nurture the other projects in the Spoke at the beginning and harvest the knowledge they will develop.