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Eurojersey Design Atlas
An applied research developed as consultancy for Eurojersey S.p.A. Analysis.
Eurojersey Design Atlas aims at building a metadesign process to create a story that is not only based on the concrete key factors of success of the product, but also on added values as tradition, company’s know-how, Made in Italy’ references to communicate sensations and atmospheres related to the product, to understand the applicative possibilities of the products, and to create new scenarios around them.
The new products’ semantics has been built through strategic design tools integrated with peculiar research tools from fashion sector as follows:
- the construction of a Map of the market currently served to establish the position and the state-of-the-art of Eurojersey products and the company itself in relation to the market;
- the analysis of the features and potentialities of the product Sensitive®Fabrics through the use of graphs which highlight the features offered in comparison with those expected and those in demand; 
- the  production of a “Design Atlas”: a conceptual topographical map where isometric curves represent stratifications of sources and meanings that well express the multidimensional evolution of contents.